
Gestational diabetic risk factors that need to be wary of pregnant women

cungkring.com: You have high sugar levels and are afraid of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes? In fact, the risk factors of gestational diabetes can not only be found in pregnant women with high sugar content, but also in pregnant mothers who are previously normal sugar levels. There are a few things to understand about the risk factors of gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Here's the explanation.

How do risk factors of gestational diabetes be diagnosed?
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that is experienced by pregnant women due to hormonal changes.

Most women who have the risk factors of gestational diabetes and are diagnosed with positive diabetes, have never suffered from diabetes before.

This condition often appears in pregnant women who have never even had a history of diabetes. Gestational diabetic conditions will heal on their own after infant birth.

Even so, if your first pregnancy has been exposed to gestational diabetes, in subsequent pregnancies you may experience the same.

In fact, if you have been exposed, the risk of gestational diabetes can increase by seven fold.

Distinguishing causes and risk factors for gestational diabetes
For some people, it may be difficult to distinguish between causes and risk factors. It should be understood that the causes and risk factors are two different things but interrelated.

The term risk factor is not including the cause of diabetes when pregnant. Risk factors are only conditions, habits, and things that can increase a person's risk of gestational diabetes.

So, the more risk factors have, the greater the chance of being exposed to diabetes when pregnant. Therefore, you regularly consult yourself if you have a factor that increases the risk.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes

Women over 25 years old
According to the Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome Journal, women who are pregnant over the age of 25 years tend to be susceptible to gestational diabetes. Therefore, routinely consult yourself if you are pregnant and are over 25 years old.

Increased blood sugar levels
High blood sugar or hyperglycemia is the main problem and becomes a risk factor for diabetes while pregnant. When not handled properly, pregnant women are susceptible to gestational diabetes.

High blood pressure
Another factor that increases the risk of diabetes when the next pregnancy is high blood pressure. This condition can affect insulin secretion from the pancreas and towards higher blood sugar levels. It can certainly increase the risk of diabetes in pregnant women.

Has high cholesterol and heart disease
What is the connection with cholesterol and heart disease with gestational diabetic risk factors? Cholesterol is influenced by blood pressure and glucose in the blood.

When glucose levels are in blood and high blood pressure, the amount of cholesterol will increase. This then increases the risk of getting diabetes when pregnant.

Have a family history of type 2 diabetes
The risk factors for gestational diabetes are greater to the expectant mothers when you have a pradiabetes condition. This is a slight condition of blood sugar, but slowly increases and can be caused by type two diabetes.

Plus your family has a history of previous gestational diabetes, such as a parent, sister brother, or other siblings who still have blood relations.

You are also potentially exposed to gestational diabetes when you have experienced the same in your previous pregnancy.  ...
Hormonal imbalance
When you have a condition that causes insulin resistance to cause a hormonal imbalance, it is one of the factors that increases the risk of diabetes when pregnant.

The two conditions that lead to insulin resistance are Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and skin disorders, such as, which are the cutaneous, yellowed of Healthline.

The risk factor of someone exposed to gestational diabetes is obesity. Overweight in pregnant women is very influential in maternal and fetal health, including diabetes.

In addition to increasing the risk for gestational diabetes, obesity is also at risk of having sleep apnea, preeclampsia, until the difficulty of childbirth.

Effects that occur in infants when the mother has gestational diabetic risk factors
When expectant mothers have one or even a few points of mentioned risk factors, there are side effects to be received in infants. The following effects may appear in infants:

Birth of a baby with a large weight (fetal macrosomia)
When you have several factors that increase the risk of diabetes when pregnant, very high levels of glucose will flow across the placenta.

This will trigger the baby's pancreas to make insulin in large quantities. The condition makes the baby grow too Large (macrosomia) with excess body weight.

Reported from the Mayo Clinic, macrosomia means that the baby weighs more than 4 kilograms. If you do not check the blood sugar level periodically, the baby in the womb will likely have a wide shoulder and abnormal grease.

It is prone to occur when compared to expectant mothers who do not have diabetes before.

Premature Labor
High blood sugar is a factor that increases the risk of diabetes in pregnant women. This condition can increase the risk of premature delivery before the birth date of the baby (premature).

Although its birth occurs before the date it should be, most likely the other factor is the condition of a large baby or excess body weight.

Experiencing respiratory distress
Mothers who have risk factors for pregnancy diabetes will likely give birth to a baby with respiratory distress syndrome although they are not born prematurely.

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
When a mother has a factor that increases the risk of diabetes when pregnant, babies in the womb actually have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).

This happens because of their high insulin production. If the condition is severe, this low blood sugar can trigger seizures in infants.

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